Welcome to Season Two: AFTER LIFE

It’s 2020. Just as Gilbert is adjusting to his new world outside prison, that world shuts down. Gilbert goes online during a year of joy and sorrow, until he and Marlena take to the streets to honor Manny. Soon, there’s a new development in the case of the deputy who killed him.
- Weatherman Brian Stelter | The Great Shutdown of 2020
- TODAY | Protests For George Floyd Spread Around The World
- FUSION | The Chicano Moratorium: Why 30,000 People Marched Through East LA in 1970
- 50th Chicano Moratorium
- Ketsa “Absorbed-in-the-Matter” Lobo Loco
- “Mountain Pass” Lobo Loco “Waiting for a Better World”
- Malictusmusic “Haunted By The Past”
- Maarten Schellekens | “Contemplation”
- Sara Alfonso “The Lost Child”
- Lobo Loco “Our Sunny Dance”
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Art by Mara J. Reynolds